The Raspberry Pi family is the primary family of single board computers (SBC) used for projects on this site. The boards primary used for these projects include the Raspberry Pi, Raspberry Pi 2, Raspberry Pi 4 and the Raspberry Pi Zero W. These boards are configured with the Raspbian variant of Linux.
The Arduino software is easy-to-use for beginners, yet flexible enough for advanced users. On this site the Arduino is usually restricted to projects that require low power consumption and do not require the complexities of a full operating system.
The Windows laptop is primarily used to run commercial programs such as Microsoft Office, Paint Shop Pro, and TurboCAD, among others.
Qt's software framework & tools allow the building & deploying of software, designing UIs & developing applications across the Desktop and Raspberry Pi systems. This simplifies code as it can be shared across the different platforms, such as the Raspberry Pi, desktop and embedded Linux computers, Windows computers, and Mac computers.
The Prj. Ident. is a unique identifier that is given to each project as it is created. The Project Identification is hyperlinked to the software project's documentation.
The Prj. Name is the name of the finished program. If the Project Name is red, the project requires a username & password for access the documentation. If you are a member of the group in the "Group" field, see them for access details. It should be noted that the Project Name only needs to be unique within the same Development Family. This allows for the system to develop a variant of the same program for multiple Development Families, that is, there could be a "TestProgram" under Linux, another under Windows and yet another under the Arduino.
The Stat. field indicates where the program is within its lifecycle.
The Contact field provides the name and emila of the project developer's contact.
The Brief Description is a short description of the project's function.
The Dev. Fam. Gives and indication of the type of project. Examples may be a houseboat, meteorological, website, sensors or similar.
The Com. Lang. gives an indication of the programming language or tool being used fore this program.
The Assoc. Grp. field indicates which group (if any) the project is being developed with. Group projects are often password-protected for group members during the project's devel
The S/W Lic. indicates the licence under which the project's software is released.
The H/W Lic. indicates the licence under which the project's hardware is released
The Doc Lic. indicates the licence under which the project's documentation is released