2021 River Ramble

Caudos Vineyard

 Distance from Morgan

 Travel Time @ 7.5 kmh

Ease of Travel

 26 km

 3 hour 28 minutes

Easy -
Some Marked Shallow Areas

Even if you are not a wine drinker, Caudo's Vineyard is a place to visit if it is a nice day. Being on a curve on the river, it offers excellent river views up two reaches of the river. The under-cover outdoor booths provide an excellent location to look at the view, as well as sample their excellent food and beverages. Dogs on a leash are welcome, so it is an excellent venue if you arrive from the river or by road. It is an easy walk from then Hogwash Band camping road back up the road from the highway. It is a layback venue. One time My Lady was moored up at Hogwash Bend and Mark had walked the dog up to Caudos. When he was trying to remember the highlights of the menu, to tell the other when he got back to the boat, they simply said "Take the menu and return it when you come back this way."

Although it is fabulous venue and the excellent food and drink, it is imperative that visiting vessels retain a sober crew because overnight moorings are not normally permitted. They used to be permitted in the early days, so one might presume that some bad behaviour has cruelled it for everyone. Luckily however, the RMBOA has a good relationship with Caudos and they allowed the Ramble to moor overnight when it visited.

Unfortunately, not many photos of Caudos as Mark and Alexa were more interested in enjoying an afternoon in the sun with friends while enjoying the excellent pizza and Sangria.